Meeting #7
Venue: school
Date: 22 Nov (Fri)
Time: 0830-1030
Present: Shu Wei, Sarah, Amrit
Absent: Zhang Hui
Our Discussion
1. Finalize the definition of ‘thrill’
–the thrill of a drop is the product of the angle of the steepest descent in the drop (in radians) and the total vertical distance in the drop. The thrill of the coaster is the sum of the thrills of each drop.
2. Learnt the programming of Graphmatica
3. Learnt the topic on differentiation other new mathematical skills which will aid us in our project. (see below)
Peak/ valley = dy/dx = 0 Steepest incli = 2x ^2 -7x ^4 + 10x ^2 + 6 for
-1 (smaller then or equals to) x (smaller then or equals to) 1.5
nation = dy/dx = maximum absolute value
Therefore, dy/dx = slope = inclination
Tasks to be done (by 2 Dec)
Ø Download Graphmatica from here
Ø Homework (using aforementioned Graphmatica)
y = 2x ^2 - 7x ^4 +10x ^2 + 6 for
-1 (smaller then or equals to) x (smaller then or equals to) 1.5
1. Find dy/dx
2. Put it into Graphmatica and the visible area of the graph should be
-1 (smaller then or equals to) x (smaller then or equals to) 1.5
3. Find x when dy/dx =0
4. Identify the peaks and valleys
5. Find x that have the steepest descent/ascent
6. Find the angles of the steepest descent/ascent (using a tangent).
Recorded by: Shu Wei, Sarah, Amrit and Zhang Hui
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